Monday, February 19, 2007

Are the Democrats really any different?

During the midterm elections the Democrats made many promises to 'change things' and 'get things done' unlike, they claimed, the Republicans had done in their time in power. By working with the Republicans, and compromising undoubtedly in the middle of what either party wants, the middle of the political spectrum where most Americans are would be best served.

But is it in the Democrats best political interest to work with the Republicans? No. If they want to better their chances for 2008 the Democrats can’t work hand in hand with the Republicans because it will anger their base. They need to fight the Republicans tooth and nail, and win. However, this means two more years of partisan politics which will leave Congress’s hands tied resulting in nothing substantive getting done.

Congress has never been known for being overly coherent and productive. The Founding Fathers didn’t mean for it to be. Congress was designed to be slow and methodical so that radical changes could not regularly shake up our system of government. Yet, Congress hasn’t been doing any of the work of the people, not in the past two years under the Republicans and from the looks of things not in the next two years under the Democrats. Congress is doing the work of their own respective political parties in hopes of bettering their chances for reelection, just to further this ongoing cat and mouse game that does nothing but leave the moderate Americans hopeless with no where to look for optimism.

--Kristine Miller

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